
History Of Coffee Part Two
Coffee first came to Europe through the port of Venice. Because of their vibrant trade with North Africa, it was through these Venetian merchants that coffee was introduced to the rest of Europe.

It’s Time For New Crop Coffee
Yea! It’s springtime, signifying the end of winter, regeneration, new birth and freshness. It is also when many countries’ freshly picked coffees start arriving here in the States.

Jordan Almonds – Interesting Facts About Jordan Almonds
Jordan almonds are roasted almonds that have a thin sugar coating.

Keeping Current On Coffee
Coffee Houses, in their present form, began opening in earnest around 1990.

What is Maamoul
Maamoul is a small ball or dome-shaped Middle Eastern pastry with a slightly crumbly crust that is stuffed with a sweet chewy filling.

All About Markouk Saj Bread
Markouk saj bread is a traditional Middle Eastern bread, which is cooked on a kind of convex metal griddle called a ‘saj’. It is also commonly called just markouk or markook.